Spring til indhold

KØN x Bain: Find your purpose

Let’s go on a purpose-finding mission

On September 21, KØN and Bain & Company invite KØN members to join us for an exciting and active workshop on finding purpose and energy at home, at school, at work and everywhere else.

This event is tailormade to you if you are looking for your professional and personal purpose. And especially if you are considering a career in consulting. Whether you’ve already heard about the state of top-tier consulting in Copenhagen or are curious to learn, this is your chance to get insights into the work our consultants do and hear from the experienced consultants themselves. This workshop will be a smooth introduction to the world of consulting, and will be followed up with a delicious dinner, where you will have plenty of time to connect with Bain consultants and ask them any questions you may have.

Sign-up on a first-come-first-served basis.

(Note: In order to participate, you must be a member of KØN.)

We look forward to helping all of you find purpose.

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    For at afmelde sig et event, send en mail til kvindeligt@kvindeligt.dk senest en uge før eventet finder sted.